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Professional Surveyor Magazine Article
Baseline Survey's specialises in the supply of accurate geospatial data - such as cadastral, topographic and engineering survey data to commercial and government organisations. Read more about our feature in the Professional Surveyor Magazine.
RPAS case study: Dun Laoghaire Harbour topographic survey
Baseline Surveys is a company with 25 years of experience in the supply of highly accurate geospatial data, such as cadastral, topographic and engineering surveys to commercial and government bodies. Baseline was awarded a contract to survey approximately 1 km2 of Ireland's Dun Laoghaire town centre and harbour area for the purpose of providing a topographic survey for a detailed engineering redesign of the existing port.
Forest Inventory Article
Baseline Surveys pioneered the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to photograph and map standing crops of trees to an astonishing degree of accuracy. In many respects, this technology is complementary to, rather than in competition with, Treemetrics.
We are available now and we have a very fast turnaround time.
Paudie would be delighted to discuss your legal mapping services